SafeDisk 2 (Full Version)

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netwiz01 -> SafeDisk 2 (9/3/2001 12:50:06 AM)

What is the copy protection on Madden 2002 and No One lives Forever?

Also can the SCSI Plextor PX-W124TS with updated firmware copy SD2, or do you need beta test?


john -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/3/2001 2:21:34 AM)

Possibly SD2 for both games.

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netwiz01 -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/3/2001 12:17:34 PM)

I did some home work and I was sucessful in backing up NOLF via PLextor PW-X124TS, so I don't think NOLF is SD2. Thanks for the reply.


donmal52 -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/4/2001 1:29:30 PM)

I suggest you get a copy of Clony XL and it will tell you what is the protection used.

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netwiz01 -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/6/2001 1:25:05 AM)

I have the Plextor PX-W124TS SCSI drive and I was able to burn Madden 2002 with it using Blindread/Blindwrite in DAO-PW sub mode. Madden 2002 is using SafeDisk V2 according to ClonyXL and I have a perfect backup the plays in any CD!!!!

I think too many people under estimate B/R, B/W. I think it works as good as Clone CD. With Clone CD I had to use Beta Blocker to play madden 2002 in a CD other than the Plextor. I also believe that the Plextor PX-W124TS is their best CD for burning. The new 24X has many bugs and users are seriously complaining about it. My plextor is only a 12X but its burning perfect copies of everything produced. I have tried both Clone Cd and B/R, B/W. They are both excelent. Personaly I have to give the edge to B/R, B/W. Excellent burning software. It does not get enough credit on this forum. Again NO Beta Blocker required!!!!


Psychotext -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/10/2001 3:26:00 PM)

So where can this "B/R, B/W" be obtained? I would like to give it a try.

netwiz01 -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/10/2001 11:02:09 PM)

for blindread/blindwrite go to


twohype -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/24/2001 8:35:35 PM)

Yep, I've both a TDK 24x10x40 and a Phextor 12x8x32 (IDE version).
The Plextor was able to burn Madden CORRECTLY using Blindread/ Blindwrite in DAO-PW sub mode. The TDK 24x10x40 just can't do it, Clone CD can't do it. Blindread/Blindwrite funking rocks. Oh ya NO was Beta Blocker required!!!!

The sleeper has awakened

netwiz01 -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/24/2001 8:50:01 PM)

I was able to make a perfect copy of NOLF and Madden 2002 with my Plextor SCSI 12/4/32 using firmware 1.07. No problems copying anything so far so good.


twohype -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/24/2001 9:07:01 PM)

Rats, it looks like I am having an issue with Madden, so I'll try it again. Man, I really like Blindread/Blindwrite. I think that it is a pretty good package.

The sleeper has awakened

netwiz01 -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/24/2001 9:11:37 PM)

B/R & B/W is a great cd duplication package. It does not get enough credit. The package is simply great. I have been using is for over a year. I did not even know about copy protection. I just used the software package B/r & B/w and is worked with no effort at all. Great to have and I have been using it with my plextor combination so it works well in both CD's. I love my Plextor PW-X124S


netwiz01 -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/24/2001 9:12:20 PM)

Let me know how madden turns out. I did make a copy already.


Arioch -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/28/2001 5:02:00 AM)

what settings you use with b/r b/w?
i have 124ts too but i have some problems and with betablocker in the clonecd and thats why i want to try b/r b/w

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netwiz01 -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (10/16/2001 9:19:36 PM)

When using b/r b/w I leave all setting on default for the read section. For the writing portion just make sure you set it to write DAO-Sub codes. That it. Oh use a quality CD-Media ie TDK or Sony Even HP has a good deal on some. I examined the quality of the cd and its the same as TDK. The HP was only 50 pack for $19.99 usd.



dirtycze -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (10/20/2001 12:13:56 PM)

for blindread and write....does the backup of the SD2 games work in the plextor itself and/or a cdrom???

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netwiz01 -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (10/20/2001 1:12:56 PM)

It only worked in a plextor, but yesterday I upgraded to the new plextor. 24x/10x/40. I recomend it. It copies everything. Just make sure you upgrade to the latest firmware. I can burn on the "fly" now and play my backups in any cdrom. Oh yea, my reader is a Plextor Ultraplex Wide. I think that is the reason why I can burn on the "fly"

Oh one more thing I switched to clonecd, the latest version. No erros or problems.


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