netwiz01 -> RE: SafeDisk 2 (9/6/2001 1:25:05 AM)
I have the Plextor PX-W124TS SCSI drive and I was able to burn Madden 2002 with it using Blindread/Blindwrite in DAO-PW sub mode. Madden 2002 is using SafeDisk V2 according to ClonyXL and I have a perfect backup the plays in any CD!!!! I think too many people under estimate B/R, B/W. I think it works as good as Clone CD. With Clone CD I had to use Beta Blocker to play madden 2002 in a CD other than the Plextor. I also believe that the Plextor PX-W124TS is their best CD for burning. The new 24X has many bugs and users are seriously complaining about it. My plextor is only a 12X but its burning perfect copies of everything produced. I have tried both Clone Cd and B/R, B/W. They are both excelent. Personaly I have to give the edge to B/R, B/W. Excellent burning software. It does not get enough credit on this forum. Again NO Beta Blocker required!!!! netwiz01