Question for Xingna (Full Version)

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terrancelam -> Question for Xingna (11/30/2001 11:32:33 AM)

you seem to be the most knowledgeable person around here, what can you tell me about D2:Lod and burner?

terrancelam -> RE: Question for Xingna (11/30/2001 5:17:12 PM)

BTW My apologies for mis-spelling your name, Xinga99.

xinga99 -> RE: Question for Xingna (11/30/2001 9:32:52 PM)

I am not sure what is D2:Lod is, can you be more specific? and what about the burner?

Good Luck

terrancelam -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/1/2001 2:35:38 AM)

Ahh it's Diablo2: Lord of Destruction, sorry about being vague there.
As for the burner, I have the LG GCE-8160B. I think Diablo 2:LOD has SecuRom v2? or something of that sort? I've tried some safedisk 2 games and they copy fine, but Diablo2 is the only thing getting me down.

Thanks for taking the time out to help a new person. :)

terrancelam -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/1/2001 10:09:30 PM)

BTW it's definately secuRom, the latest version, having a great deal of trouble with it.

bofh -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/2/2001 1:34:53 AM)

the proper way to copy diablo 2 LOD is to use a reader AND a burner that can read and write sub channel data correctly. According to clonecd's home page, your burner does not support writing of sub channel data, so your out of luck copying LOD.

terrancelam -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/2/2001 1:51:37 AM)

ahh crappler....Oh well, can you recommend a good reader?

terrancelam -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/2/2001 1:52:31 AM)

One more question, if I can't copy SecuRom games, why can I copy SD2 games??

xinga99 -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/2/2001 7:08:15 AM)

Sorry for the late respond, because my cable modem it out of wack, and i don't know when it back online, they file BK chapter 11.

here is the setup for SD2 and Securom

Subchannel Data from Data Track: No
Subchannel Data from Audio Track: No
Fast Skip error: Yes
Intellegent Bad Sector Scanner: No
Don't Repair Subchannel: No

Subchannel Data from Data Track: Yes
Subchannel Data from Audio Track: No
Fast Skip error: No
Intellegent Bad Sector Scanner: No
Don't Repair Subchannel: No

if you used CloneCD go here to find what writer they supported.

but Lite-on 24x10x40 will support what you need to do.

Good Luck

terrancelam -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/2/2001 9:54:15 AM)

eeeh sorry to hear about the @home situation. I went DSL, so I'm safe for now.

Thanks for the suggestion Xinga99, I'll try and RMA the drive for the Liton 24X.

xinga99 -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/3/2001 11:54:11 AM)

Let me know if it work

Good Luck

bofh -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/3/2001 3:47:49 PM)

for LOD, which uses securom as a copy protection, you need a cdrom that can READ raw96 (which is sub channel data) and a burner that can write raw96. Your burner cant record raw96 (i got my info from the clone cd homepage), so you need to get a burner that can do so.

Safedisc 2 is fairly easy to copy any more, espcially with the newer versions of clonecd, blindwrite, and betablocker. All of these programs will bypass safedisc 2, even on burners that dont do efm correctly.

If you buy new hardware, i suggest a toshiba or liteon dvd, and a liteon 16102 or 24102 burner. This combo will copy anything in existance. If you get the liteon 16x burner, make sure its a newer 16102, and NOT a 16101....the 101 does not do efm properly.

rjw -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/4/2001 1:13:53 PM)

Diablo II LOD seems to be a little more tricky.
It will need the subchannels but then again it seems that it also does include some ATIP check.
The securom new/2 will need a burner that goes to the full subchannel so Raw+96. An Acer burner which writes Raw+94 cannot do it.

I have heard of people still having problems after burning it with the
Goldstar. But it seems that this is caused by the ATIP Check or incorrect use of software. Just like most copy problems with the Lite On 24102B and the Plextor 24/10/40A

netman -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/4/2001 6:16:25 PM)

at cloneclinic olli said that the 'hide cdr media' feature not only hides the atip but also the ability of the reader to read subchannel data. this is supposed to allow the burner or whatever reader to play a securom game. when a game protected with this detects a reader unable to read subs it will run anyway. try it, it's supposed to work.


terrancelam -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/5/2001 6:22:18 PM)

well I tried all the above for the LG and finally gave up and RMAed it for a LiteOn 24X CD-RW, but still having the same problem. Still can't seem to do the reading properly, older Securom games work (it did the same with the LG), but Diablo 2 is still not working arrgggjhhh!

BTW a note, I found both of these drives using clonyXL/Perfect Copy and CCDB, they all don't recognize the protection type of Securom!
The model of the LiteOn I got is the LTR-24012B. Also runnign Windows XP if it means anything.

xinga99 -> RE: Question for Xingna (12/5/2001 11:12:57 PM)

I am not sure what going on your system, because I have burn the Diablo 2, and it working fine, I don't have anyproblem, try all setup available see if it work for you.

Good Luck

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