Upgrading HP firmware (Full Version)

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lincoln.pow -> Upgrading HP firmware (8/31/2001 10:02:16 AM)

I have an HP cd writer plus - 8200 series (it shows up in the bios as 8200a)
Serial number info shows me that it's a cc4495 model. The firmware is 1.0f.
I downloaded the new firmaware for 8100 series - 1.0n hacked.
I tried to update the firmware but it won't do it.
The update.exe program will show me the message to close all files and windows applications, I click on next, and what I get is an error message saying that it wasn't able to find an HP surestore cd-writer !
Direct CD shows up in the tray, and the bios is seeing the burner. What am I doing wrong ?

onezone -> RE: Upgrading HP firmware (9/2/2001 9:17:38 PM)

did u install Direct CD form the HP INstall cd rom? this is the only way I found to do an HP UPdate, it needs to find original installed program from the HP disc.


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