DVD Decrypter - Bad Sector / Bad Structure Protection (Full Version)

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Speed_Demon -> DVD Decrypter - Bad Sector / Bad Structure Protection (4/30/2007 5:50:54 AM)

HI,  I'm having trouble trying to backup 2 DVDs, one is FINAL FANTASY VII: Advent Children and the other is Underworld Evolution.

Everytime I try to back up them up after 7% FF7 starts giving me read errors and I/O Errors, Underworld as well after 4%...
FF7 also gives me Bad Disc structure.  But both plays 100% perfect when I watch them.

I know it's got sumthing to do with a Bad Sector copy protection. Any Idea as to how  can back them up?  Any special settings for DVD decrypter?
Which other software will be able to do it? and what settings?

Thanks in advance...

MP3Mogul -> RE: DVD Decrypter - Bad Sector / Bad Structure Protection (4/30/2007 5:48:30 PM)

DVD Decrypter hasn't been updated in a long long time, and it has been discontinued.

You'll have to utilize a new program to accomplish your backup now.  I suggest Slysoft's "AnyDVD"

Speed_Demon -> RE: DVD Decrypter - Bad Sector / Bad Structure Protection (5/1/2007 4:56:08 AM)

Thanks but I found the solution.  The DVDs I have are protected by ARCcOS from Sony.  AnyDVD cannot remove this protection (On my PC anyway).  You can use DVD Decrypter but you have to import the PSL file.  Ripit4me generates the PSL file and gives DVD Decrypter the appropriate settings.  After that the DVDs work 100%. 
Underworld Evolution, Stealth, FF7, The Detonator all work like a bomb.

Apparently, other ppl have said they can copy these movies with AnyDVD and CLONEDVD2.  can anyone confirm this?
Oh, and you can also use PGCEDIT with PSL2 plugin to generate the PSL file.  But I can't find the plugin.

thanks for your help anyways...

SithTracy -> RE: DVD Decrypter - Bad Sector / Bad Structure Protection (5/1/2007 7:37:31 AM)

RipIt4Me, FixVTS, and the PSL2 plugin are all dead projects.  They all faded away with no warning and one can only speculate what happened.  There seems to be a gag on any information around what happened.  Soon, they will stop working as development has ceased.  I'd suggest you turn off the feature that checks for updates.

I own Underworld Evolution, but have not tried to back it up.  I usually only backup movies that my kids use.  I am sure AnyDVD or DVDFab Decrypter is up to the task of those with the proper updates and a valid serial number (well for AnyDVD, DVDFab Decrypter is free software).

MP3Mogul -> RE: DVD Decrypter - Bad Sector / Bad Structure Protection (5/2/2007 6:51:34 PM)


    AnyDVD rips those discs without any problem at all.

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