Speed_Demon -> RE: DVD Decrypter - Bad Sector / Bad Structure Protection (5/1/2007 4:56:08 AM)
Thanks but I found the solution. The DVDs I have are protected by ARCcOS from Sony. AnyDVD cannot remove this protection (On my PC anyway). You can use DVD Decrypter but you have to import the PSL file. Ripit4me generates the PSL file and gives DVD Decrypter the appropriate settings. After that the DVDs work 100%. Underworld Evolution, Stealth, FF7, The Detonator all work like a bomb. Apparently, other ppl have said they can copy these movies with AnyDVD and CLONEDVD2. can anyone confirm this? Oh, and you can also use PGCEDIT with PSL2 plugin to generate the PSL file. But I can't find the plugin. thanks for your help anyways...