modern day equivalent to Plex PX-40TSi? (Full Version)

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Ron_Jeremy -> modern day equivalent to Plex PX-40TSi? (1/24/2007 4:04:51 PM)

I've been using SCSI rigs since my introduction to computers. This is no longer viable since large SCSI drives don't exist, & even the 300GB variants are worth a mortgage payment. So, I'm moving away from SCSI. I use to rip audio with my Plextor PX-40TSi & am wondering if there's a modern day 'equivalent' type drive that would make a good replacement. I don't care if it's a reader or writer, or whether it's ATA or SATA. Any suggestions?

SithTracy -> RE: modern day equivalent to Plex PX-40TSi? (1/24/2007 5:26:54 PM)

Like you, I was a big SCSI guy and had to fade away from it from a cost standpoint (had kids... and at the time I didn't realize how expensive diapers are).  Right now, for DAE, I am using a Plextor PX-716A DVD burner to rip audio and it is fantastic.  Plexrtor has released the CD burner called the Plextor Premium II, but fo some reason it is not available in North America.  I want to swap out my PX-716A for one of those... I never burn DVD's on that anymore since the LG DVD burners have emerged.

Nitrox -> RE: modern day equivalent to Plex PX-40TSi? (1/25/2007 4:05:28 PM)

Is the Plextor 760 good for burning CDs with their latest firmware? I know when it first came out it wasn't that great.
I would also like to get me a high quality CD burner, as I do have a Benq 1655 along with a Liteon Combo 5232K.

SithTracy -> RE: modern day equivalent to Plex PX-40TSi? (1/25/2007 4:11:34 PM)

I looked past the 755/760 series and it's up in the air if Plex will release any more true Plextor drives.  The LITE-ON Combo should do a pretty decent job with CD's... Wouldn't bet the farm on the BenQ though... Not sure where you are, but if your country has the Plextor Premium II, that would be the drive to get for CD's... Would love to get one of those here in the States, but Plex U.S.A. promised me in an e-mail that they should be available here in Dec 2006... lol - Still waiting!!!

Nitrox -> RE: modern day equivalent to Plex PX-40TSi? (1/25/2007 5:34:07 PM)

I'm in Canada and it's not available up here either. They do have the 230A but it doesn't read dvds.
The Benq I don't trust either for burning CDs, I've had  some nasty coasters which burned fine with the Liteon.
I wish I hadn't given away my Plex 24/10/40, it was one of the best CD burners but got kind of slow for today's media.

SithTracy -> RE: modern day equivalent to Plex PX-40TSi? (1/25/2007 5:47:03 PM)

Well, the Premium II does not read DVD's either.  I know my 716A does a great job with audio... can't speak for the 755/760 series drives... better find out and get one quick... I think Plextor has stopped production of them.

MP3Mogul -> RE: modern day equivalent to Plex PX-40TSi? (1/25/2007 7:15:33 PM)

The 755SA is a FULL SPEED reader, it's awesome!

Nitrox -> RE: modern day equivalent to Plex PX-40TSi? (1/27/2007 2:35:02 PM)



The 755SA is a FULL SPEED reader, it's awesome!

I finally picked one up today, OEM version, very good price for it. I figured this could be the last chance at ever owning another Plextor drive and your recommendations made the decision a little easier. Thanks.

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