Baron_Nogood -> Windows XP Burning Software - Date Issue (3/13/2006 9:42:17 AM)
Hi there,
Using Windows burning software to burn files to CD ROM and noticed that the 'date created' was the date they were burnt and not the original date that the document was created. Is there any way to make this so that Windows maintains the original creation dates? Does NERO keep the original creation dates?
Thanks for any help
emperor -> RE: Windows XP Burning Software - Date Issue (3/14/2006 4:15:48 AM)
Nero can keep original dates
Baron_Nogood -> RE: Windows XP Burning Software - Date Issue (3/14/2006 9:47:43 AM)
Hi Emp,
Thanks Emp, I know that most software does have this option. I just want to know if the standard XP one has mastering options like Nero somewhere burried.
Any advice would be apprciated.
emperor -> RE: Windows XP Burning Software - Date Issue (3/27/2006 4:11:48 AM)