Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (Full Version)

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angela625 -> Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/6/2004 8:34:32 PM)

Please help me.....

I don't knoe how to copy it (game with AlphaRom protect)..

Please...please..please help me

ant_ -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/6/2004 10:01:23 PM)

What is the title of the game?

angela625 -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/7/2004 3:42:09 AM)

Is Japanese H-Game, I don/t know how to input a japan title but I have more than one of this game use AlphaRom Protect.

Many thanks for your reply

sp -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/7/2004 10:18:00 AM)

Does anyone here knows what this AlphaRom copy protection is?

MP3Mogul -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/7/2004 1:54:35 PM)

Is this a PC Game?

angela625 -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/8/2004 7:22:04 PM)

this is develop by Korea, very strong protection.

Help me, help me

ant_ -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/8/2004 8:24:12 PM)

AlphaRom is really tough protection scheme. It seems that backups with Alcohol 120% or CloneCD are not working. Some other applications may give more chances, especially with LiteOn drives as reader.

Dolphinius_Rex -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/9/2004 2:52:17 AM)

Hrm, I would recommend the Plextor Premium in combination with Alcohol 120% percent, but there are no guarentees even that will work... I'd love to pick a copy of that game up just to see if I could copy it properly! [8D]

ant_ -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/9/2004 11:00:59 AM)

That's an interesting task Dolphinius, go for it! Is there any US game with this protection?

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (1/9/2004 2:41:36 PM)

[Deleted by Admins]

Dolphinius_Rex -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/9/2004 4:34:34 PM)

Originally posted by ant

That's an interesting task Dolphinius, go for it! Is there any US game with this protection?

I don't know... but if someone could tell me where to find a game with this protection I would deffinatly give it a go [:)]

angela625 -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (1/9/2004 5:51:02 PM)

BUT I cannot found the software "Alpha-ROM development edition CD Manipulatorv.2.69a & "the repair kit (repair kit with opposite reading 1.41b1 for CloneCD MIX-mode experimental edition)"

Who can found it.

lpgj -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (3/24/2004 12:27:41 PM)

i also have the problem same with you , if you have any idea please
tell me.thanks

KKShimamura -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (3/25/2004 7:00:16 PM)

Alpha-ROM is a protection scheme made by a Korean company called Settec[]. It works by purposefully creating an overlapping sector that cannot be read normally. Reading the sector backwards reveals the later half of the overlapping sector.

Some of the sites say that you can use that information to read the overlapping sector backwards and use it to "repair" an image of the CD. Some tools mentioned were[] which reads the CD backwards and ImgMix[] that "repairs" an image with the backwards image created.

For the CD Manipulator, I don't know about the Alpha-ROM development edition, but version 2.70 final is out. [] is the author's website.

TOMCAT[] claims to have a CD imaging/burning software completely compatible with Alpha-ROM. An independent tester says that 8 out of 8 Alpha-ROM protected games he tested worked with the software.

I cannot test the method/software mentioned above because I don't own an Alpha-ROM protected software, so you can test it for yourself.

sp -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (3/28/2004 1:31:48 PM)

We really thank you KKShimamura for all the interesting info you supplied us.

mkip -> RE: Help to copy a AlphaRom protect CD (4/3/2004 9:49:44 AM)

If what KKshimamura suggested doesn't work, you could try daemon tools (latest version) running in the background while creating an image of the game using clone cd or discjuggler. Also, there may be some programs which remove alpharom protection, like there are for safedisc and securom. Just make sure, before you copy the created image of your game, that the image works properly by running it with daemon tools.
Good Luck!!!

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