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flame5949 -> i need help (12/3/2003 5:21:15 AM)

Hey. I have a problem. I used alcohol 120% to back up some games. Now when i i finish it doesnt work. but i made an iso image and decided to try roxio to make the copy. Roxio always gives me problems at 97% with anything i burn. at 97% it says that there was some error. but i put in the cd anyway and it actualoly loaded. for example rise of nations installed and ran without a problem. but nba live 2003 was stuck on a file during installation. So i need to know what settings to use on alcohol 120% and/or Clone CD to properly make a copy. Thank You

Laffin Assassin -> RE: i need help (12/3/2003 5:29:50 AM)

Hi flame5949 and Welcome to Our Forum !!! [:)]
Please don't make Duplicated posts this only causes problems for you and for us I am sure you will get some help with it posted in the right area ( I have deleted your other post) !!! [:)]

flame5949 -> RE: i need help (12/3/2003 11:36:46 PM)

Hey Laffin. Sorry about the duplicated and post and thanx for the welcome. [:D]

Laffin Assassin -> RE: i need help (12/4/2003 1:39:48 AM)

No Problem Mate !!! [:)][;)]

Tron -> RE: i need help (12/6/2003 3:52:15 AM)

It all depends on the protection used on the original disc. You need to scan the original with Cloney XXL then enter the protection profile into Alcohol that Cloney told you.

flame5949 -> RE: i need help (12/9/2003 9:38:02 PM)

Hey, The thing is I offcourse did that but it still didnt work. If roxio worked with my burner properly it would do the job. But it doesnt so if any one can help please! Thanks!![:)]

Tron -> RE: i need help (12/14/2003 11:48:11 AM)

Is your drive able to handle the protection you are trying to backup? What drive are you using to read the image and what burner are you using to burn it? Did you mount the image in Alcohol to see if the image was working before you burned it?

imecho40 -> RE: i need help (12/14/2003 6:18:48 PM)

I would like to ask something with respect to Alcohol 120%.
Why is it necessary to have Cloney XXL determine the type of copy protection? Is the Alcohol softwae unable to do it? I am trying to decide if Alcohol is for me.

MP3Mogul -> RE: i need help (12/14/2003 9:05:37 PM)

Yes you need Cloney to determine "WHAT" copy protection is on the disc, so when you use alcohol, you will know what protection scheme you are against, and you can use those settings to make your backup. Besides Cloney is free!

Tron -> RE: i need help (12/14/2003 11:49:52 PM)

It is a legality thing. CloneCD is the same. You just use Cloney to scan the disc and tell you what the disc is protected with, then you tell Alcohol or CloneCD the protection on the disc in order to make a good copy......

imecho40 -> RE: i need help (12/16/2003 4:39:31 AM)

I see. Alcohol could be capable of determining what sceme is used, the makers just chose for it not too. I am beginning to see the big picture.:)

Laffin Assassin -> RE: i need help (12/16/2003 5:05:29 AM)

Glad to hear it !!! [:D][;)]

imecho40 -> RE: i need help (12/17/2003 1:05:54 AM)

Be warned that as my understanding grows, so will my "what iff's".
I am the ultimate "questioneer".:)

MP3Mogul -> RE: i need help (12/17/2003 1:54:59 AM)

LOL, that is not a problem, that is how you learn....! [:D]

Laffin Assassin -> RE: i need help (12/17/2003 2:01:18 AM)

Yep and good old MP3Mogul loves helping Newbies !!! [:D]

MP3Mogul -> RE: i need help (12/17/2003 3:46:46 AM)

LOL... why do we not have a smiley with his lips zipped????

Actually, I have no problem with that, and neither does Laffin as well!

We're here to help ANY time!

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