HELP!!!! (Full Version)

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donnybarb -> HELP!!!! (10/20/2005 10:52:47 AM)

I don't know alot about what I want to do, can anyone tell me if my CD/DVD burnes (LITE_ON DVDRW SOHW_1633S) will burn CDGs

Antonio -> RE: HELP!!!! (10/20/2005 2:41:49 PM)


Most drives support CD+G.

MP3Mogul -> RE: HELP!!!! (10/20/2005 5:34:22 PM)

Yes, your drive DEFINATELY will burn CDG's.

one2one -> RE: HELP!!!! (1/3/2006 7:54:22 AM)

Can anyone tell me if there is a list anywhere of drives available that still burn CDG, as I cant find one to replace my broken old plex :-(  Not fussed about what speeds it can burn at, just want one that can read/write cdg that I can buy on line today..

Antonio -> RE: HELP!!!! (1/3/2006 1:37:32 PM)

Most drives support CD+G.

Check at cdrinfo's reviews, the Nero Info Tool images in the first page, the introduction of each burner review.

emperor -> RE: HELP!!!! (1/5/2006 3:27:14 AM)

CDRWin has a web list of compatible CD+G drives

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