Billy_Brethren -> Wow (9/13/2005 7:52:55 PM)
Thanks Matthew! I've written many posts, and so I have full understanding of the amount of time it takes. That with your obvious expertise makes your post truly valuable and for that I am sincerely grateful. I not GLAD to know that there are many people that have "given up" on re-writable media, but I am glad to know that the whole endeavor is "tainted" by some level of popular belief. This should prevent me from getting too extreme in my time expenditure in order to make it work. In short, you have given permission for me to give-up, at some point. Also, I had suspected the InCD format "ate" the media space, but have never had it confirmed by someone that actually knows for sure. I've already "given up" on the idea of packet writing, as the unreliablity of it is documented well enough for even me to find out about it. And InCD's unreliability is also well-documented, so I do not use it either. But I had hoped that re-writable media was going to be my salvation, and now you are telling me that even THAT cannot be relied upon. [:(] quote:
If the drive and media don't get on well together, it can become unusable after only one or two writes, if it even works at all. I think my situation may be different than most in that the CDRW I am using is fairly old (a Sony CRX175A1), which runs at 24X10X40X. It's reliable for the most part, and I have no reason to believe that it may be contributing to the overall "unreliabilityness" of the methods I am using, but I though I would mention it in case you have an opinion. Also, I have learned (the hard way) that the media is important. I buy my stuff at Wal-Mart, and they only have a limited selection. Originally I thought that "newer" would be better, so I bought the best media they had, Memorex Ultraspeed 24X. It wouldn't work at all. So then I tried the slower Memorex High-Speed 12X, and it wouldn't work either. Finally I tried the slowest stuff Wal-Mart had, Sony 1-2-4X. It was also the cheapest. At about $1.00/disk, it was comparable to some of the CD-R's Wal-Mart sells. Also it has the same word on it as my CDRW ("Sony"), so I hoped the CD-Burning Gods might like that. For the most part, I get "okay" results with this, but the whole thing fell apart when I tried to re-burn a bootable disk, as I described above. So if I can get a handle on making that specific aspect of CD-Burning functional, my problems should be for the most part solved. quote:
I had a copied Win2000 Installation disk fail to do a repair install on another computer. Since it had SP4 and some hotfixes slipstreamed into it (using nLite), and nLite is still in beta, my thought was that the hotfix slipstreaming might have caused the Installation Disk to fail. So I thought I would make another copy, only this time with only SP4 slipstreamed, and I left out the hotfixes. I am using re-writable media to transport data from one computer that has (high speed) internet access to another that does not. We're in an apartment, so I don't want to wire-up the router we have, and I can't afford the 1 Gig thumbdrive I plan to buy yet. So "hand-carrying" data (hotfixes, AV updates, etc..) using RW media is the main function I'm trying to refine. quote:
You cannot use a higher speed grade than the drive supports - they are FIXED speeds determined by media construction, and 4x low / 4x high are completely different. I didn't understand this part. What is the difference between 4x "low", and 4x "high" ? Thanks in advance, Billy