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k9COP -> CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/21/2003 1:36:04 PM)

Thank you for your inquiry.

From August 2003 our program will be illegal in Germany due to new copyright
laws (along with other copy software like
Alcohol, BlindWrite, MovieJack
Other european countries will follow... thus we are forced to discontinue the
developement of our software. Otherwise we
could be sentenced up to three years in prison.

CloneCD will be the last version of this copy software. We're sorry,
but we have no other choice. Our company
has moved to Switzerland, but we don't know by now whether we will be safe from
organizations like RIAA, MPAA, GEMA
(Germany) there, thus we prefer to work on other software that is not forbidden.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.


Nico Roehr
Your Elaborate Bytes Team

ant_ -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/21/2003 2:11:10 PM)

.. things are getting really tough in Europe. It is really very dissapointing that currently the law does not allow individuals even to create ideas and experiment with latest technologies, in order to serve the public demand.

I just wonder if the law will be also applied to other software like Nero Burning Rom, or even Alcohol, since the last one is developed in Asia.

MP3Mogul -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/21/2003 3:45:52 PM)

What A Shame

kamikazee -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/21/2003 6:29:19 PM)

Not all of us are stupid, at this point in time clonecd cannot copy SecuRom 4.8 or above without help from twinpeaks. So no problem there, but I will not believe this reasoning for stopping production of clonecd period. They are still going to work on clonedvd, last time I checked DVD's carried protection also, can it bust DVD protection? No, not without help from something like dvd decryptor. So whats the difference? Nothing there is no difference. Hey it's there company and they can kill it if they want, but I for one will not support anything that carries the elby, clonecd, clonedvd name anymore. Used to be a big fan, but that has changed, I mean thats why they moved their company in the first place. They knew they were going to do this since last year maybe sooner, they needed the money so they kept selling a product they knew they wouldn't support, and they kept using sites like this to do it.

MP3Mogul -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/21/2003 6:46:22 PM)

Bet CloneDVD goes quickly next....

Clint -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/22/2003 7:41:07 AM)



sven -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/23/2003 4:24:13 PM)


don't panic, nothing is gone.
Please read the complete articel:

regards from elby,


MP3Mogul -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/23/2003 5:37:47 PM)

Thanks Sven... it does seem that it will live on... at least for now.

dburg -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/23/2003 7:41:36 PM)

As citizen of an european country, I'd like to make notice that I officialy protest against these new laws on software. These laws had voted by politicians who are elected by european citizen. We (the citizen) made the error to choose bad representatives who vote under the influence of a minority. Be sure they will pay consequence of they vote for next elections... or maybe they will finally realize that it might be wise to not make citizens angry? [V]

kamikazee -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/24/2003 5:21:55 PM)

don't panic, nothing is gone.

Clonecd has been gone for months and Ollie has made this known, with his refusal to update his product. He stated many months ago that he would not do what it would take to make copies anymore because of the risk involved.

sp -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/24/2003 8:29:46 PM)

Originally posted by dburg

As citizen of an european country, I'd like to make notice that I officialy protest against these new laws on software.

Let us all move to mainland China. At least this country has not thus far lost a war against Holywood (sorry, US I meant)...

MP3Mogul -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/24/2003 10:19:39 PM)

GOOD One SP... then we can get all the illegal software for next to nothing there!

sp -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/25/2003 11:21:37 AM)

...or publish our own MM :-)
(Not kidding...:-)

Laffin Assassin -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/27/2003 2:40:49 AM)

Lets all move to the Falkland Islands !!! [:D][;)]

MP3Mogul -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/27/2003 8:34:53 PM)

I'm all for it.

sp -> RE: CLONE-CD IS GONE FOREVER (7/27/2003 9:35:03 PM)

Sorry folks, we are in the juristinction of GB...

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